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Top 1% Parents Raise Top 1% Children

Huni Hunfjord | 9789935934208 | 2017 | Huni Hunfjord | Englisch | 204 Seiten
CHF 30.30
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This book is a great for all parents to implement simple strategies into their lives and teach their children at an early age how to manifest their dreams, how to visualize anything they want to accomplish, how to be grateful for all the things they have in their lives right now and how giving works. Find your Why. The Law of Attraction. The Power of Rituals and Habits. Know your numbers. Your mindset and how to shift it. Setting your expectations Responsibility, etc. These are not concepts and strategies that most people associate with children, but the earlier they learn the power of these strategies and start to implement them into their lives, the more successful they will become in life. The book will give the family as a whole great value and give the parents who are not already implementing personal growth strategies, the understanding, that when we work on ourselves and then teach our children the same, that's when we really are contributing our time for our children's futures.