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Effectiveness of token economy on selective problem behavior in late childhood in children with intellectual disabilities

Hemamalini H. B. | 9784719164918 | 2022 | Graphic Audio | Englisch | 180 Seiten
CHF 44.70
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Introduction Intellectual disability (ID) is a serious condition which is characterized by a marked limitation in cognitive functioning and adaptive functioning. This includes many day to day skills such as conceptual skills which include concept of time, money, dates, event, language, literature etc., social skills which include social responsibilities, self-esteem, social rules and orders, interpersonal skills, social problem-solving skills etc. and practical skills which include personal care, health care, occupational skills, use of telephone, travelling independently etc. The onset of this condition is seen before the age of 18 years. The term intellectual disability is a widely used term for the term mental retardation which was called by varied names which includes idiocy, feeble mind, mental deficiency, mental disability, mental handicap and mental sub-normality (Goodey, 2005; Mercer, 1992; Schroeder et al., 2002; Stainton, 2001; Trent, 1994; Wright & Digby, 1996). Currently use of the term mental retardation is under great discussion and debated among many researchers across the worldwide, wherein they emphasize that term mental retardation is not respectful, and results in devaluation of such people (Finlay & Lyons, 2005; Hayden & Nelis, 2002; Rapley, 2004; Snell & Voorhees, 2006). The term Intellectual disability is exemplified by AAIDD (American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) in International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities, President's Committee,