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Exercises for Rehabilitation of Lateral Epicondylitis

Parth Shailesh Trivedi | 9784144365447 | 2022 | Mafaaz | Englisch | 220 Seiten
CHF 30.00
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Lateral epicondylitis (LE) a prevalent musculoskeletal dysfunction which is defined as an injury caused by chronic overuse of the extensor tendon of the forearm and characterized by pain over lateral epicondyle of the humeurs and cases with prolonged complaint of pain over duration of 4 weeks are termed as chronic lateral epicondylitis. The main aim of this book was to compare the effect of Muscle Energy Technique with Plyometric exercises, Myofascial Release Technique with Plyometric exercises and Conventional Physiotherapy on pain, grip strength, functional performance and muscle activity in study participants of Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis thereby halting the need for surgical intervention.